Turn worrying into worthiness, rut into passion and fatigue into vitality.

Take a look in the mirror. How are you doing? Do you see a happy and healthy person who is getting everything out of life? Or a busy person with stress, who is often tired, possibly has all kinds of chronic complaints and lives largely on autopilot? Complaining is of little use, confronting someone is. In the ´ring´ you learn to beat your biggest opponent: yourself! A mindboxer deals with limiting thoughts and takes responsibility for his or her own freedom and happiness. In (top) sport, at work and privately.



Turn worrying into worthiness, ruts into passion and fatigue into vitality.

Take a look in the mirror. How are you doing? Do you see a happy and healthy person who is getting everything out of life? Or a busy person with stress, who is often tired, possibly has all kinds of chronic complaints and lives largely on autopilot? Complaining is of little use, confronting someone is. In the ´ring´ you learn to beat your biggest opponent: yourself! A mindboxer deals with limiting thoughts and takes responsibility for his or her own freedom and happiness. In (top) sport, at work and privately.



Connecting Mind, Heart & Body: Mindboxing

Get the best out of yourself with the Three Batteries® method.

Mindboxing® is Connecting Mind, Heart & Body. No symptom relief, but 100 days of working with the proven Three Batteries® method: Power of Body, Power of Heart and Power of Mind. These batteries symbolise physical, social- emotional and mental resources to keep you in balance. With numerous real-life examples, tests, practical exercises, 1+75 comprehensive recharging tips and exclusive instructional videos on the website, you will have the right language and tools to become the best version of yourself.

About Jan Sleijfer

With this personal book, JAN SLEIJFER bridges the Western and Eastern perspectives on health care, lifestyle, leadership and sustainable performance. His critical perspective stems from over 25 years of providing physical and mental training to elite athletes, prison officials, teachers, managers and many others. After the Academy of Physical Education, he graduated cum laude as a social psychologist and specialized in sports psychology, martial arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine. As an expert, Jan is regularly approached by companies, top clubs and national media with questions about performing under pressure.

Jan Sleijfer

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What is Mindboxing?

Tired? Work stress? Performance pressure, or are you just not comfortable in your own skin?
It all starts with a battle between your ears. We all know it. That feeling that you just don’t feel good about yourself. That you are inexplicably tired. One day you’re at work and go home feeling energetic. The next day, you feel like you’re completely drained. Why is that? Everything revolves around what costs you energy and what gives you energy.




PRIVATE. “I am Sarah, 38, and I was ready for a change in my life five years back. I noticed that I was getting more and more tired and also experiencing more and more symptoms. I so wanted to do all kinds of fun things, but my body was not cooperating. After visiting the GP, it turned out I was heading towards burnout. This shook me up and I started reading self-help books. However, I had to struggle through this. I couldn’t find myself in most of them either. The obvious that you shouldn’t demand too much of yourself was in them, but how to prevent it or how to maintain your energy was mostly unclear.  The Three Batteries® method is simpler to encompass. I learned that everything is interconnected. It’s a mindset you have to dedicate yourself to. So not only physical is sufficient, but feeling power and thinking power are also important. I now have real moments again when I am so incredibly happy and feel it deep in my heart. I really missed this in the years before. Stubbornness was my biggest opponent.”

Rinus 'VeeKay' (top racing driver)

SPORT. Indy Car top driver Rinus ‘VeeKay’ van Kalmthout today needs all his concentration at a speed of 370 km per hour. He travelled a long way to the top: “I was 14 years old and competing with the world’s top karters. I often had problems with my self-confidence and I could not perform optimally as a result. I contacted Jan and visited him regularly for a session. With the Three Batteries® method, I started getting good results right away. My three batteries have recharged so well that I am ready for the next step in my career. I can proudly say that my self-confidence has now become one of my strongest assets! Jan, thank you for your mental help over the past few years.”

Peter (Zuidas employee)

WORK. “I was a very athletic man of 43, with a nice family and a nice job at the Zuidas. Eighty-hour work weeks were the rule rather than the exception. I became physically and mentally exhausted. I regularly heard stories of top athletes who had to recover from serious injuries or accidents. I couldn’t imagine that they only did that with medical supervision. Mentally, the long process is at least as tough, if not tougher. In addition to a good physio and personal trainer, I therefore started looking for a mental coach for top athletes to help me. That’s how I found Jan. I have regained my energy and resilience and am already much stronger, healthier and more energetic than before. The future promises much more growth. This terrible period was a turning point, but a lot of good has come out of it!”

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In the news

Looking to boost your performance both mentally and physically? Discover the “Three Batteries®” method, an innovative approach designed to recharge the body, mind, and emotions. Developed by sports psychologist Jan Sleijfer, this technique is gaining traction among top athletes. Curious about how this method can enhance your energy levels and well-being? Read the full article to learn how this approach is reshaping sports performance psychology!


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